Author: Joshua Woodburn

Divorce / 30.10.2013

“Because Texas is a community property state, all marital property is characterized as “separate”, “community” or mixed. See Hilley v. Hilley.   The process of determining whether separate, community or mixed is known as characterization. When a marriage is dissolved, the character of the property determines...

Custody / 28.10.2013

Nonexhaustive List of Factors the Court May Consider When Determining the Best Interests of a Child for Purpose of Appointing Primary Managing Conservator A. Factors Based on Each Party’s Ability to Care for the Child Petitioner and Respondent should address the following factors as they relate to...

Divorce / 23.10.2013

All assets and liabilities identified and characterized as the spouses’ community property must be divided between the spouses in a “just and right” manner, taking into account the rights of each spouse and any children of the marriage. A “just and right” division can be a...

Custody / 04.10.2013

In order to modify an order based on relocation, the party attempting to modify the prior order must show that there has been (1) a material and substantial change in circumstances and (2) it is in the best interests of the child to modify the...